Self-Care Creativity: Falling Behind…

We apologize for falling behind in our creativity prompts. We have been relocating our creative space. 

We hope you are continuing to practice self-care creativity. Get into your creative happy place. If you can’t get there describe it. Use all of your creative senses.

Self-Care Creativity Day 9

What is your creative mission? What is your purpose? Are they the same? How can you express them creatively? Write a poem, story, or essay. Take a picture. Make a collage. Paint a picture. Whatever your form of creative expression, use it to express your mission and/or purpose. 

Self-Care Creativity Day 7

Turn a creative weakness into a strength.

How? Practice.

Need a different option? Use your creativity to convince someone who doesn’t know you that your weakness is actually your strength. 

Self-Care Creativity Day Five

We have the best intentions at heart but ______ gets in the way.

What gets in the way of your creativity? Describe a few things. Visualize it. Be honest with yourself.

For example… moving got in the way of us posting this prompt earlier today. 

Self-Care Creativity Day Four

Brain dumps are a good way to get out what is blocking your creativity. Take some time to release what is clogging your creative flow. You may need to write it all down. You may need to paint it out. Whatever is the most creative way to release this… do that! Give at least fifteen minutes for the exercise but it is best to take all the time you need for it. You never know. You may find solutions to problems, answers to questions, or clarity where the was none. At the very least, you go it out and can let your creativity flow like you need it to again. 

Self-Care Creativity Day Three

The hardest part with most of these challenges is finding time to do them. Everyday life doesn’t stop just because you have a new creativity challenge. 


How do you find time to do the things that you want to do, that allow you to be creative, and bring you joy? If you struggle with this, brainstorm ways that you can work it into your schedule. Where can you carve out 15 minutes two or three times into your day?