Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 27-30

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

transpicuous: transparent

trichophobia: fear of hair

evanescent: quickly fading

misogamy: the hatred of marriage

phasmophobia: fear of ghosts

asunder: into pieces

hodiernal: of today

thanatophobia: fear of death

ether: the clear sky

gasconade: extravagant boasting

coitophobia: fear of coitus

beget: produce (a child)

(The end of the month was very busy for us. We apologize for the delay on the last few sets of words. We hope you found them interesting and helpful!)

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts : Day 26

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

nacarat: a bright orange-red colour

paedophobia: fear of children

nymph: a beautiful young woman

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts : Day 25

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

philippic: a bitter verbal attack

panophobia: fear of everything

mouse potato: a person who spends large amounts of their leisure or working time on a computer

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 23

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

presenteeism: the compulsion to spend longer at work than is required or to continue working despite illness

epistolophobia: fear of correspondence

tidings: news, information

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 22

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

limn: represent in painting or words

clinophobia: fear of bed

amphibology: a phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous
(She sees more of her children than her husband.)

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 21

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

mollitious: luxurious or sensuous

gephyrophobia: fear of bridges

lambent: softly glowing or flickering

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 20

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

fuscous: dark and somber in color

phobophobia: fear of fear

muliebrity: womanliness

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 19

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

opsimath: a person who begins to learn or study late in life

pogonophobia: fear of beards

mephitic: foul-smelling

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 18

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

nympholepsy: passion or rapture aroused in men by beautiful young girls

atelophobia: fear of imperfection

ire: anger

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 17

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

sternutator: something that causes sneezing

gymnophobia: fear of nudity

niveous: snowy