Hello April! Time to Get Creative!

Hello April!

Happy National Poetry Month!

Let’s take these next 30 days to develop a habit of daily creativity.

This set of prompts is a list of single words or short phrases designed to allow you to take them wherever they want to go. Use whatever form of creativity that suits you. Examples include a poem a day, essay, 100 words of a short story, 1000 words of a novel, a photo a day, song lyrics, music, journal entry, drawing, painting, or whatever suits your fancy.

You simply need to get creative!


April 2016 Writing Prompts

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 23

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

presenteeism: the compulsion to spend longer at work than is required or to continue working despite illness

epistolophobia: fear of correspondence

tidings: news, information

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 22

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

limn: represent in painting or words

clinophobia: fear of bed

amphibology: a phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous
(She sees more of her children than her husband.)

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 21

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

mollitious: luxurious or sensuous

gephyrophobia: fear of bridges

lambent: softly glowing or flickering

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 20

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

fuscous: dark and somber in color

phobophobia: fear of fear

muliebrity: womanliness

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 19

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

opsimath: a person who begins to learn or study late in life

pogonophobia: fear of beards

mephitic: foul-smelling

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 18

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

nympholepsy: passion or rapture aroused in men by beautiful young girls

atelophobia: fear of imperfection

ire: anger

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 17

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

sternutator: something that causes sneezing

gymnophobia: fear of nudity

niveous: snowy



Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 16

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

eucatastrophe: a happy ending to a story

hypegiaphobia: fear of responsibility

puissant: powerful or influential

Inspiring Words Creativity Prompts: Day 15

Use these three words to inspire your creation today. Write a story, poem, essay, section of a novel, or song. Paint or draw a picture. Use your camera to capture the words in a unique way.

I have used the Oxford Dictionary website to pick unique words & phobias. Feel free to think outside of the box with these definitions.

Just simply create!

rawky: foggy, damp, and cold

thassophobia: fear of idleness

temerarious: rash or reckless