Fall Back Into Creativity: Day 8

Describe a recent vivid dream. 

Fall Back Into Creativity: Day 6

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Has that changed as you got older?

Are you there yet?

Fall Back Into Creativity: Day 5

What bothers you? What really gets under your skin?

Fall Back Into Creativity: Day 4

Who do you love?


*** Remember you can write this from your POV or the POV of your character. You can also use any form of creativity you want if writing is not your thing. ***

Fall Back Into Creativity: Day 3

What do you love?

Fall Back Into Creativity – Day 2

What do you do?


*** Remember to use whatever form of creativity you are comfortable with. If you are a writer, you can write about yourself or one of your characters. ***

Fall Back Into Creativity: Intro and Day 1

Untitled design (1)


Whether you are struggling with a creative block or gearing up to work on a big project; this month’s set of prompts are designed to get you going.

It doesn’t matter if you are a writer, painter, photographer, or musician. No matter what your method of expressing creativity, take each prompt and express yourself. As a writer, you can choose to respond to the prompts as yourself or look through the eyes of a character you have created.

No matter what, make sure to have some fun with it!



Who are you?


No Fear Creativity – Day 15 Check In

We are at the halfway mark!

Are you doing something every day to step outside of your creative comfort zone?

Are you challenging yourself to try something new?

Have you surprised yourself?

Remember, don’t hold back. Put your all into your creativity. Expand beyond as many perceived limitations as you can. Find new ways to do things. Discover things about yourself and your creativity.

You never know if something is uncomfortable until you try it. Don’t be afraid to give it a try to see. Then take a step back to look what comes from it. It may not be as uncomfortable as you think it will be. The product of that creativity may just be amazing.

Don’t make excuses. Make magic!

No Fear Creativity Challenge – Day 7 Check In

We are seven days into the challenge.

How are things going?

Are you stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new with your creativity?

Are you trying things that you were/are afraid to try?

Make sure that you are silencing your inner critic. This is an exercise in tackling your fears and trying something new. You don’t have to share the product of this exercise with anyone if  you don’t want to.

Take a deep breath and let go of the finished product. Let go of any hangups that you may have when it comes to creativity.

Flex those creative muscles!

Hello June! No Fear Creativity Challenge

Hello June


In the month of June make a daily effort to face your creative fears. Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Take your creativity in a direction that you may have thought was out of your reach.


Because sometimes you don’t know how long your arms are until you try to reach for something you thought was too far away.

Take some risks. Write that memoir. Write the essay that has been on your mind for a long time. Write the poems you have been afraid to write. Try a different art medium. Take the pictures you have dreamed of taking. Try a new art form. Challenge yourself to journal, draw, or blog every day. Write the lyrics that you haven’t written for fear no one would get it. Start that novel that you’ve always wanted to write and work on it every day. Create a character that challenges and even scares you.

Don’t let fear keep you in your comfort zone.

No one has to see what you are working on but you. You are accountable to yourself. Prove to yourself that fear is not going to stop you from taking your creativity to the next level.

